




全球能源解决方案(格伦索尔), 是诺贝尔石油集团公司的子公司, 首次在阿塞拜疆和南高加索组织了一次关于涡轮机械的培训和圆桌会议.  

为期两天的活动, 来自诺贝尔石油合作公司的国际专家为与会者做了不同的演讲,并分享了他们的经验. 该活动的目的是促进创新技术在该国和地区的涡轮机械应用.  

在事件的框架内, foreign experts conducted presentations for nearly 100 participants and enabled roundtable discussions. SOCAR代表, BP和其他公司, as well as professors and students from a number of higher education institutions attended the event.  

Established in 2012 as an oilfield operations and equipment maintenance subsidiary of Nobel Oil Services, Glensol提供资产完整性管理, 运营保障服务, maintenance and repair services for turbomachinery, 阀门和泵. Glensol is the first local company servicing turbomachinery equipment in the oil & 该地区的天然气工业. SOCAR, BP and other important industry players are among its customers.  

Nobel Oil Services is a diversified group of companies specialized in oil and gas industry. Companies operating within Nobel Oil Services provide 钻井, 建设 and project management as well as equipment maintenance, 采购和提高采油服务, successfully expanding their activities in these fields.  

Nobel Oil Services adheres to the highest standards of operational and financial performance. 诺贝尔石油公司和全球能源解决方案公司都拥有由税务部授予的“透明税务合作伙伴”地位,以实现透明的财务绩效.